Tag Archive: Fire & Ambulance

  1. NHS North East Ambulance Service slash energy bills with HeatingSave

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    The North East Ambulance Service provides a number of NHS services, and covers the counties of County Durham, Northumberland, and Tyne and Wear, along with the boroughs of Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and Stockton-on-Tees.

    The service operates from 60 stations spread across this vast region and employs more than 2,000 staff responding to over 360,000 emergency and urgent incidents per annum. Their fleet of more than 500 vehicles clocks-up close to 10 million miles per year.

    After taking up the role of Environmental & Sustainability Manager at NHS North East Ambulance Service and reviewing the buildings within the trust’s portfolio, Ms. Clare Swift decided that immediate measures had to be implemented to make the buildings more energy efficient and help the Trust save money.

    The first two targets were the Alnwick and Morpeth Ambulance Stations in Northumberland. The two sites use gas-fired boilers and radiators for heating and hot water provision and they are each permanently manned by 30 members of staff.

    “As soon as I saw the buildings, I knew that something had to be done to make them more energy efficient” said Clare. “The existing heating controls were really poor – the stations were using old thermostats to push up the temperature to whatever level people working there aimed for. This was highly inefficient.” (more…)

  2. Tiptree Fire Station cuts heating bills with HeatingSave

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    Tiptree Fire Station is a retained rural fire station serving the village of Tiptree and surrounding areas. It is situated between Colchester and Chelmsford in Essex and is part of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.

    Matt Lyon, a surveyor at Essex County Fire and Rescue, explained that in early 2010 the service wanted to save money on its radiator-heated isolated rural locations which are very costly to keep warm. He said: “People tend to leave the heating on when exiting the station which means we can waste a lot of fuel”. Matt explained that it was very difficult to regulate the heating system because the old time clock was not adjustable to fit the working schedule of the fire fighters. “The system used to stay on at weekends, bank holidays and other breaks” he explained. Matt pointed out to the HeatingSave reporter how public services, facing cuts and higher winter fuel bills, simply cannot afford to run heating systems they way they used to.

    A HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, which reduces business fuel bills by 25% to 30%+, was installed the spring of 2010. The HeatingSave unit immediately started to learn the heat-loss profile of the Tiptree fire station, resulting in the boiler only being used in the most efficient way. (more…)

  3. Shoeburyness fire station fights high gas bills

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    Shoeburyness fire station is a Retained Fire Station and part of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Like many fire stations, it is expensive to heat, so around three years ago the brigade thought of installing a boiler and energy management system to cut heating costs. Mark Askew, the building service engineer at Essex Fire & Rescue Property Services, explained that he wanted “Greater control over the heating” and that he was “…. eager to save money since gas prices had soared”.

    After considering various options, Shoeburyness fire station decided to fit a HeatingSave Building Energy Management system to their heating system. The heating system comprises a gas-fired combi condensing boiler running on natural gas. The heat is distributed using conventional radiators. The exception to this is the appliance bay area which uses an electric heater.

    Mark Askew said that there were no problems with the installation of the HeatingSave system, which controls both the gas and electric heating system and is connected to the Internet so that the heating can be controlled and monitored remotely. (more…)

  4. Ely Fire Station makes gas savings with HeatingSave

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    Ely Fire Station handles fire safety in the medieval Cathedral City of Ely which situated 14 miles (23 km) north-northeast of Cambridge. The station is part of Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, whose community work includes developing a campaign to reduce the number of kitchen fires. Ely is also home to one of the six Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service district offices, the office for East Cambridgeshire.

    Ely is ‘day-crewed’, meaning fire fighters are in attendance five days per week, and also has a ‘retained’ element of crew outside of normal working hours. The premises are heated by a two-boiler conventional gas heating system.

    In 2009 Clive Stevens, the Property Service Engineer at the county fire service was looking at ways of reducing the energy consumption used in heating the fire service buildings. He said to the HeatingSave reporter, “We were finding that it was difficult to regulate the heating to match the occupancy and use of the building. Another problem was that people just opened the windows when they were hot instead of turning down the heating. What we needed was an automatic system that matched the heating to the building use”. (more…)

  5. St Ives Fire Station hoses down gas bills using HeatingSave

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    St Ives Fire Station is one of 28 fire stations operated by Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, whose website says is “working together to improve community safety”.

    The St Ives retained (or part-time) Fire Station has one conventional gas boiler, which provides the heating to both the station and an adjoining occupation health unit which is open from 8am to 5pm, five days per week. Since the building has a mixture of full and part-time staff, the heating is difficult to regulate to match the building use. Business sites are also notoriously expensive to keep warm because many of them use basic or outdated controls that cannot reduce heating bills.

    Clive Stevens, the county fire service property estates manager, explained that were a number of reasons the organisation wanted an effective building energy management system. He said the reasons included, “Energy saving; and staff previously used to open the windows when hot.”

    A HeatingSave Building Energy Management Systems was installed in February 2010 by HeatingSave’s specialist engineers. Clive said there were no problems with the installation of either the hardware or software. He also went on the explain that he received training in how to use the HeatingSave system ‘on-site’, and commented that the quality of training was “very knowledgeable”.

    HeatingSave building energy management system cut heating costs because it accurately watches the climbing room temperatures and switches off the heat, using the residual heat within the boiler, to reach the correct room temperature. Thermostats cannot do this and always overshoot the temperature, wasting fuel and leading to that ‘turn the heating up, then open a window’ syndrome. Fitting sensors to fire station doors further reduces fuel costs as HeatingSave automatically cuts the heating to the fire engine bay area when the doors are open.

    The diary function in HeatingSave can be used to frequently change heating patterns. Clive added, “We have had no complaints yet – which is a good thing.” The HeatingSave rolling diary knows about weekends and holidays or changes in a daily routine, so this function is ideal for fire fighters’ shift patterns. HeatingSave will warm up the building in time for when fire fighters come in, saving a big proportion from bills by itself.

    Clive closed by saying, “I’m very satisfied with the HeatingSave system”. Bearing in mind one gas company has already instigated a 10% tariff rise to take effect this December, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue will for the first time have a full winter in which to make energy savings.

  6. Cambridgeshire Fire Headquarters cuts heating costs via HeatingSave

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    Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service serve the county of Cambridgeshire, which has a population of around 650,000 people. The county Fire Service Headquarters is in Huntingdon, a ‘whole time’ station (crewed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week), running a network of 28 stations. The HQ houses a conventional gas boiler system which provides the heating to the building.

    The East of England is projected to be the second fastest growing English Region in terms of population increase between now and 2031, with Cambridgeshire expanding at a higher rate than the region as a whole. The county needs to run its fire services as efficiently as possible as a consequence, so it must get the best deal available out of its heating overheads in a time when gas prices high and likely to rise further.

    The county fire service property manager based at Fire Service HQ in Huntingdon, Clive Stevens, was investigating how Cambridgeshire Fire could install a boiler and heating management system in a number of the fire stations in order to save energy. “I was looking for some type of Energy Management System that would automatically turn on the heating when the site is in use,” he explained.

    After discussions and a demonstration from a HeatingSave representative, a HeatingSave Building Energy Management System was installed in February 2010. The HeatingSave system, which replaced the existing traditional time clock, contains at his heart a computer running a mathematical tool which every day calculates the heat-loss-profile of the station and how it can make the heating regime more efficient and save money.

    HeatingSave counts the minutes each day it switches on and off Huntingdon HQ’s boiler or switches on and off the immersion. This is to prove it is saving money over the existing time clock. The longer it has been installed, the more it saves as the microprocessor continually refines its mathematical thermal algorithm of the property.

    HeatingSave also keeps Fire Brigade staff comfortable by effectively regulating the background temperature according to how the headquarters is used. HeatingSave monitors both the inside and outside temperatures of the building, so it can compensate for seasonal heating variations. HeatingSave estimate that they have reduced the fuel consumption of Huntingdon Fire Station by at least 25%, given like-for-like weather conditions.

    Clive’s verdict on the user-friendly nature of the HeatingSave system was, “It is straightforward and easy to use.” He has had to call the HeatingSave help desk and his view of the service was “very good. No problems at all.”

    Fire and Rescue Services throughout the UK, who are in for a torrid time this winter – tariffs from half the energy giants have already shot up, and more likely to follow in the New Year – could follow the example set by Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service; rest assured that they could make savings from their 2010 budget by cutting waste in heating costs when managing any reductions in public sector spending.