How Single Room Heat Recovery Extractor Units can Reduce Mould and Improve Air Quality
1. Why do I need to know? The air quality in a number of homes and offices is poor, especially in cold weather. This can be particularly bad in social housing as was shown by the Energy Performance Challenge project in Salford. Whilst the installation of a MVHR system is the obvious answer for new-builds, the […]

Destratification Fans Explained
1. Why do I need to know? If you have a building with a large open space, such as a warehouse, hall or auditorium with a roof height of 4 metres or more then unless you have an Air Handling Unit (“AHU”) you will have stratification of the air which means all the hot air […]

CT and VT Valves Explained
1. Why do I need to know? You need to understand the principles of CT/VT valves because they are important in larger heating systems as they are the method of providing the right temperature hot water from boiler(s) to the various equipment that needs it, such as hot water cylinders (also called calorifiers) and heating […]