Building management system wastes less energy as it ensures heating is not left on too high

Consumers are being urged to implement green home improvements and waste less energy as a means of avoiding imminent expensive energy bills. “The Green Deal will help householders upgrade their homes to waste less energy, and our electricity market reforms will bring on investment in clean energy sources that are not vulnerable to global price shocks,” said energy secretary Chris Huhne.

A home improvement that is both ‘green’ and a method of saving up to a third or more off heating bills is HeatingSave, a microprocessor controlled building energy management system (BEMS). Among its many functions it intelligently applies frost protection, by using pumps to distribute residual heat. On your boiler it also manages flow and return balancing, so that the heating is matched to the boiler’s heat exchanger. It has user “heat me now” buttons that revert back so the heating is not left on too high. This feature is particularly useful in office environments where one person invariably turns the heating on full.

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