Business energy management also handles water, cooling and lighting usage

recycled greenest Olympics London 2012 renewable solar panels Businesses HeatingSave Building Energy Management System electricity water usage cooling lighting drops heating bill automatic comfort conditions control over costsA recycled studio is an example of what has been dubbed the greenest Olympics on record. London 2012 has showcased many renewable technologies and designs to millions of visitors and viewers. Around the Olympic park are wind turbines, solar panels and recycled shipping containers as broadcast studios. The event has also utilised highly efficient combined heat and power units, natural air cooling systems, energy management technologies, and recycled building materials – a ‘how to’ demonstration for any firm initiating green projects.

Businesses will benefit from a HeatingSave Building Energy Management System (BEMS) which also handles the management of electricity usage, water usage, solar power, cooling and lighting. Beginning with the HeatingSave Small Business version, the computer-controlled regime automatically drops the heating when buildings are unoccupied. Even if your heating bill is only £2,500 per annum you could still be looking at a payback of fewer than three years. The automatic processing of HeatingSave maintains comfort conditions while the advanced PC software gives you full control over the costs.

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