Government energy efficiency fund to get £100m boost

Organizations and individuals interested in installing energy management systems or other energy saving measures will be able to do so much more easily as the government has decided to bolster the funding available for the Green Deal programme.

Energy secretary Ed Davey has recently announced a £100m boost to the Green Deal programme. The money will be used to re-start the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund, a cash-back incentive scheme that was closed in July after the first £120m tranche of funding was used up.

Mr Davey said: “We’re managing to show that you can go green and you can have low energy bills. The announcement that I’m making today of £100m to help people cut energy emissions and have warmer homes, and indeed cut carbon emissions I think will be really welcome.

“People want to have permanently lower energy bills and the fact that through our Green Deal and the Green Deal investment fund, that will help people make their homes warmer and greener and cheaper.”

On the other hand, John Alker, director of policy and communications at the UK Green Building Council, warned the additional funding was only a “temporary solution” to encouraging the implementation of energy efficiency measures and energy management systems.

He said: “As temperatures start to drop and households turn up their heating, this additional funding is a timely – but ultimately temporary – solution to encouraging energy efficiency.

An energy management and monitoring system can help companies and individuals stay on top of their energy usage and reduce their overall bills by running their light/heating systems in an optimum manner.

If you’d like to find out just how easy it is for your company to cut carbon emissions and save in excess of 30% on your energy bills, then contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to provide you all the necessary information.

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