Small and medium enterprises are strongly advised to shop around for best energy deals

British small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are strongly advised to shop around for the best energy deals, a new market report was able to reveal.

The survey of 300 UK SMEs carried out on behalf of Opus Energy found that 81% of company managers don’t check with other energy suppliers on whether there are better deals on offer.

Furthermore, one in 10 SMEs have “never switched” suppliers and nearly a quarter (24%) have admitted they are on ‘out of contract’ rates, which means they could potentially be paying more than they need to for their energy supply.

Louise Boland, Director at Opus Energy said: “We know that many SMEs are busy getting on with the day job and, with so many of them having to cover multiple roles and facing time pressures, it’s easy to see how something like making sure they’re not on expensive out-of-contract rates may fall to the bottom of the list.

“We’d urge companies to check whether they’re being supplied on expensive out-of-contract rates and to shop around for a great fixed rate contact.”

SME owners who’re particularly worried about the adverse effects energy price hikes might have on their bottom lines should seriously consider investing in a high-end solution designed specifically to help them optimize their energy consumption, and this is specifically where the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System could help.

By using data coming from a variety of sources (boiler flow and return sensors, internal and external temperature sensors, occupancy sensors, humidity sensors, etc.), HeatingSave optimizes a building’s boiler-based central heating system and helps customers save anywhere between 20 and 30%+ on their bills.

HeatingSave is also approved to work and save fuel within the Energy Technology List, which is managed by the Carbon Trust on behalf of the Government. It is also approved by the Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Energy Savings Trust and was specified by the Building Research Establishment for the energy efficient homes retro-fit program, called The Greenhouse Project.

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