DECC preparing £9million package for support of heat networks

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has revealed plans for a £9million package, designed to help local authorities establish more heat networks across UK towns and cities, a news report reveals.

Heat networks are considered to be pretty effective low carbon heating alternatives, and the measures to help local authorities get heat network schemes up and running will include a new Heat Networks Delivery Unit to sit within DECC providing expert advice.

Most of the money will initially go towards the largest cities around the UK, with Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield and Nottingham getting £1million each, in order to develop their own heat networks.

Furthermore, the program will also set aside around £250,000 for a new first come first served voucher scheme for heating installers to get money off the cost of renewable heating kit installation training, with up to £500 or 75% of the cost of the training course per person.

This scheme might bring some savings for home owners on the long run, but if you’re considering installing a heat management solution that will allow you to cut up to 30% off your heating bills right now, then look no further than HeatingSave.

HeatingSave House & Home is a self learning computerised management system that can reduce your heating bills by better and more efficiently running your heating (or cooling) system. This is achieved via a computerised management system, employing a heat-loss algorithm that self-learns the heating characteristics of each heating zone within your home.

From this, HeatingSave can very accurately determine how to run your heating more efficiently to cut your fuel bills whilst still keeping you warm. The occupancy sensors also only heat the areas that are being used, whilst the other features cut the amount of fuel you use and the electricity you consume.

If you want to find out more about the HeatingSave system, which is approved by both the Energy Saving Trust, the Carbon Trust and selected by the BRE (Building Research Establishment) for the Greenhouse Project, then get in touch with our dedicated product team.  

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