Energy companies overcharge their customers by £650m annually through bill errors alone

Energy companies overcharge more than a quarter of their customers through mistakes on their bills, racking in huge profits in the process, a new research report released on behalf of the Keep Me Posted group has revealed.

According to this survey, which involved 2,000 people around the country and was carried out by the consultancy firm Consumer Intelligence, almost a third of those polled, 30%, found an error on their energy bill, and 28% had been overcharged by an average of £121.

Additionally, the research revealed that over 40% of people who receive paper bills noticed an error on their bill, compared with just 29% of those receiving their bills online, with younger people being particularly affected in this case – only 9% of 18-24-year-olds who receive their bills online actually check them for errors, the survey suggests.

Given these figures, it is estimated that such errors (either caused by low-standard service or intentional) bring in an estimated £650m annually for the UK’s largest energy suppliers, and possibly much more.

The HeatingSave system allows home owners to cut energy bills by up to an impressive 30%+. It is built around the idea of optimizing the energy consumption levels within any area with the help of an advanced heat-loss algorithm that creates a specific profile for any building and based on that, switches heating on later if its warm and off earlier if its cold.

Furthermore, HeatingSave incorporates an extensive array of sensors and can perfectly monitor (and display) real energy usage, meaning that you’ll be able to easily check how much your energy supplier’s charging you against your actual usage and challenge them, need be.

If you’d like to find out more information on the HeatingSave system and the benefits it provides for both residential and business customers, just contact our dedicated team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of the questions and queries you might have.

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