Energy manager controlling solar thermal hot water makes washing up such fun

Renewable industry campaign group Our Solar Future called on the government to abandon its plans for additional cuts to feed in tariff (FIT) subsidies. Writing on Twitter, the organisation warned that the continual reductions to the FIT have created a boom and bust cycle for solar. It commented: “Roller-coaster ride of three monthly PV degressions in stark contrast to genuine TLC [transparency, longevity and certainty] for all other FIT technologies.” The plans are to cut small scale solar subsidy in November.

HeatingSave’s state-of-the-art Building Energy Management System can also manage solar thermal hot water systems as well as controlling your boiler. Washing up has never been so much fun! Arguably we control solar thermal heating systems better than a separate solar thermal controller. This is perfect for all types of solar water heating, including swimming pools during summer. HeatingSave is ISO900 quality assured and is an approved MCS installer. We also supply glass evacuated solar thermal systems which are far more efficient than flat panels.

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