Heating gadget works out latest time to switch on boiler to cut fuel bills 25%

Another energy supplier, npower, has announced it will be increasing gas and electricity prices next month. The ‘big six’ firm will put up its gas prices on average by 8.8 per cent and electricity on average by 9.1%. This is based on an Ofgem standard annual consumption of 16,500 kWh gas and 3,300 kWh electricity. The price rise – just in time for winter and following British Gas – will come into force on November 26, 2012.

The HeatingSave system allows households to reduce their fuel bills by 25%-plus. Your current heating time clock turns on your boiler so that rooms are warm at a specific time. It does this irrespective of the outside temperature – because it doesn’t know it. In winter, the outside temperature during early morning can be -5°C on one day and +12°C the next, so HeatingSave calculates the ‘heat loss profile’ of your specific building using the current outside and inside temperature to work out the absolute latest time to switch on the boiler for the rooms to be warm for when you want them.

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