Heating level set automatically depending upon outside temperature to beat high fuel prices

People in rural areas are calling for a cut in fuel duty following soaring prices on the forecourt. A litre of unleaded petrol in the north west of Scotland currently costs 139.9p, and Paula Gordon, who runs the Sleepy Hollow Smokehouse in the area with her husband Alistair, is feeling the pinch from the fuel price pressures caused by the Middle East unrest. She said plans to raise fuel duty in the April budget would be “crippling” for firms in rural areas.

Expenditure on petrol and oil and gas heating bills is rising everywhere, but HeatingSave’s computer controlled central heating system cuts bills by about a quarter. A room at 19.5°c might feel too cold in winter when it is cold outside and your body core temperature is low, but might feel too warm on a sunny autumn day when your core temperature is warmer. To compensate for this, HeatingSave can vary the room set-point temperature automatically depending upon the outside temperature. This keeps you comfortable and saves you money.

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