HeatingSave tops the polls by saving money on fuel bills

Voters are interested in how each party”s policies could affect the money in their pockets. Plenty has been pledged in the parties’ manifestos on pensions, property and children before the general election day on Thursday, May 6. Apart from a brief mention of winter fuel, little attention seems to have been paid to reducing fuel prices. HeatingSave tops the polls with a quick and money-saving solution.

The Conservatives have said they will protect the winter fuel payment, and introduce a new entitlement for every household to be fitted with up to £6,500 of approved energy-efficiency improvements. The major parties still do not address high fuel bills properly.

Replacing the out of date time clock technology with HeatingSave is a vote winner – the internal computer constantly calculates and improves the efficiency of your central heating system and saves 25%+ off bills. Traditional time clocks set the heating to come on at a particular time. Most are a 24 hour clock and cannot vary the times throughout the week, wasting fuel at weekends. Even a 7-day clock cannot cater for holidays or periods when the building is empty. With HeatingSave you can change a room temperature requirement over 1,000 times a day, giving you 100 per cent control of the heating you require for your needs in summer, winter or throughout the year.

The HeatingSave controller has an internal mathematical algorithm that “learns” the heat-loss profile of your house or business premises. This algorithm is then used to work out the latest time to switch on your heating and the earliest time to switch it off, whilst all the time watching the outside temperature to automatically turn up and down the boiler temperature. The whole system is approved by the Governments’ Carbon Trust and the Energy Savings trust.

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