Improve household energy efficiency by one third using temperature sensor system

A scheme has been reintroduced which can help households struggling to pay their energy bills. The Warm Front scheme has reopened for applications, and this provides heating and insulation home improvements for England’s poorest families and most inefficient homes. Among the heat-saving measures are loft and cavity wall insulation, and draught proofing. It is hoped that the scheme will help more than 90,000 households by offering heating upgrades worth up to £3,500.

A more simple installation for homes wanting to improve energy efficiency and cut heating bills and carbon emissions by up to 30%-plus is the HeatingSave House and Home system. Once installed, the HeatingSave controller learns about the heat loss profile of your house. This is constantly recalculated and refined each day so that HeatingSave can more efficiently use the way in which your central heating system is switched on and off. HeatingSave House & Home comes complete with a HeatingSave controller, four temperature probes, one room temperature sensor, HeatingSave Lite PC software and installation instructions.

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