Infra-red room occupancy sensors help save a quarter off fuel bills

The government announced it will simplify the tariffs energy companies are able to offer consumers. Energy Secretary Ed Davey this week revealed the ‘four core tariff’ plan for gas and electricity deals. The government wants customers placed on the cheapest available price at the latest by summer 2014. Customers on out-of-date tariffs providing poor value, who are paying a higher rate than their supplier’s cheapest standard tariff, will be switched to the cheaper rate under the new plans.

Forget the tweaking of tariffs: HeatingSave gives a permanent method of saving a quarter off fuel bills. Connect our infra-red room occupancy sensors to the HeatingSave controller and the heating will automatically turn itself down when nobody is at home but automatically turn up the heating when you arrive home and need it. Used in conjunction with the heating diary, occupancy sensors are great at saving you money when the unexpected happens – for example, when you are working late. HeatingSave keeps you warm and saves money.

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