Older and/or disabled home owners could save money with HeatingSave

Adopting HeatingSave in order to cut energy bills and save money is one of the top solutions for older and disabled people, who are generally a bit reluctant to adopt some of the government’s latest energy-efficiency programmes.

As results obtained by The Guardian following a freedom of information request to the Government’s DECC have revealed, it seems that older and/or disabled home owners are reluctant to adopt energy efficiency programmes simply because they consider them to be way too complex, with a large number of people also being quite afraid of taking up additional debt.

The National Energy Action, a charity funded by the Department for Energy and Climate Change, has revealed that many of the less well-off families are actually living in fuel poverty, but they’re afraid to implement various measures that would make their homes more energy-efficient, due largely to the associated costs.

Moreover, most of these families consider local authorities and voluntary organisations to be trusted sources of advice and information, rather than the government or other countrywide regulatory bodies.

HeatingSave is a great solution for the aforementioned category of home owners, simply because, despite of an initial costs, savings of up to 30%+ in terms of energy bills will be immediately visible.

Naturally, since the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System is approved by both the Energy Saving Trust, the Carbon Trust and selected by the BRE (Building Research Establishment) for the Greenhouse Project, which makes it fully compatible with the requirements of the Green Deal program.

If you want to find out more about HeatingSave, Green Deal and just how you benefit the most from the two put together, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to sort out any inquiry you might have.

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