Pensioners in Wales urge the government to boost fuel poverty incomes

A campaign group for the rights of pensioners in Wales is urging the government to boost pensioner’s incomes in order to help them avoid fuel poverty, a news report reveals.

This target should be achieved via a series of combined solutions, including higher state pensions, an increase in winter fuel payments, a reduction in tax on boilers and radiators, and bills that are easier to understand.

Another interesting solution would be the implementation of a energy-saving system within the pensioners’ homes. Naturally, installing a home management system is not exactly an easy task for people living on a state pension, but with some help from the Green Deal program, that’s actually quite achievable. And HeatingSave is a great solution for any home user who’d like to cut their energy consumption levels by up to 20 to 30+%.

Employing an advanced array of sensors and a state-of-the-art controller, HeatingSave will optimize your household’s energy consumption levels depending on internal and external temperatures, occupancy, etc. The system “self learns” your house’s heat-loss profile and adjusts its functionality based on that.

While most sensors are used solely for the purpose of continuously transmitting temperature-related information to the central HeatingSave controller, we also offer a sensor version fitted with 4 programmable touch buttons that will enable you to quickly “boost” the heating system for a short period of time, or inform HeatingSave on your apparent temperature (the temperature your body feels), thus allowing it to make the necessary changes in order to ensure an optimum level of comfort.

So, if you’re interested in saving money while keeping your house warm, do contact our professional sales team, we’ll be happy to help you cut your bills and stay comfortable too.    

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