UK Green Building Council urges the Government to act on soaring energy bills

The UK Green Building Council has publicly urged the Government to step in and take some immediate measures in order to help drive down the ever-rising energy bills and keep the least well off British home owners out of poverty.

According to a news report on the matter, the UK-GBC argued that the large majority of the UK’s 25 million homes are old and hugely energy inefficient, thus forcing owners to pay a lot more than they normally should on their heating and electricity bills. For this reason, the body strongly suggested that the Government should make energy efficiency a top infrastructure priority.

The organization also pointed out that a large scale improvement scheme for all of these properties would also stimulate investment and growth in construction, helping to create thousands of jobs in the UK.

UK-GBC is calling on Government to treat energy efficiency as a capital spending priority, providing grants for the fuel poor and using its borrowing power to reduce the cost of Green Deal finance and encourage a greater retrofit market.

Householders also need a more compelling reason to take action – including permanently linking Stamp Duty to energy efficiency and the introduction of robust regulation for privately rented homes – forcing landlords to improve the worst performing property.

Optimizing energy consumption across any household is something every home owner should consider in order to drive down their energy bills, and this is specifically where HeatingSave could put its market-leading experience to very good use.

The HeatingSave Building Energy Management System helps customers save more than 30% on their bills by optimizing any heating system’s overall functionality. This is done by taking into account a variety of factors, such as internal and external temperatures, occupancy, time of the year, the particular characteristics of installed boilers, etc. All of the data is used in order to determine the best heating patterns for the various heating zones within any building, using our proprietary heat-loss algorithm.

The end result is that users still get a very good level of comfort, while in the same time saving energy and money in the process.

If you’d like to find out more details on all the features HeatingSave has in store, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to provide you with all the necessary information.

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