New £2.6m cashback scheme for energy efficient boilers launched in London

A new £2.6 million Boiler Cashback Scheme will allow London’s homeowners and landlords to benefit from £400 in cashback if they decide to replace old boilers with new, energy-efficient ones, a recent news report has been able to find.
The project is expected to help around 6,500 homes become more energy efficient and cut energy bills by £340 on average. To qualify, boilers must be the main source of heating in the house, in full working order and running at 70% or less efficiency.
Vouchers, which will be provided on a first-come first-served basis, will be valid for 12 weeks and installation work needs to be completed within that time to qualify for the cashback.
Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “As well as saving hard earned cash, upgrading an old boiler gives the environment a huge boost by lowering carbon emissions and making our air sweeter. I encourage everyone harbouring ancient boiler artefacts to sign up to my Boiler Cashback Scheme now and benefit from a brand new cost effective heating system.”
Running the boiler in the most efficient and effective possible manner will help households save 20 to 30%+ on their energy bills, and this is exactly where HeatingSave could put its extensive experience to very good use.
The system is very user-friendly and, depending on specific site conditions, can even help home owners achieve savings of up to 50%.
If you’d like to find out more details on all the features HeatingSave has in store, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to provide you with all the necessary information.