Retrofitting UK homes with energy saving features needs to be more targeted

The approach to retrofitting energy saving measures to UK homes is not targeted enough to effectively contribute to the efficient decarbonising of the UK heating sector, a new report from the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) has suggested.
The report suggests ‘blanket’ or ‘deep’ retrofits could cost just as much as knocking homes down and rebuilding them so measures need to be more selective.
Andrew Haslett, ETI Chief Engineer, said: “Improving the thermal efficiency of significant parts of the existing UK housing stock over the next 30 years is an important part of a cost-effective UK decarbonisation strategy but it cannot substitute for decarbonising the supply of energy to buildings.
“Although very deep housing retrofits are technically feasible, their cost could potentially be similar to the greater than two trillion pound cost of rebuilding the entire UK housing stock so a more targeted approach is needed.”
HeatingSave – the building energy management system (BEMS) of choice for retrofit projects
Energy management systems might represent a sizeable investment for any household, but the rapidly rising energy prices can actually deliver a very rapid return on investment, experts in the field have argued.
Home owners who are serious about slashing their energy bills will need to consider retrofitting their premises in some way, whether we’re talking about putting in renewable energy measures or more complex Building Energy Management Systems.
An energy management and monitoring system can help households stay on top of their energy usage and reduce their overall bills by running their light/heating systems in an optimum manner.
If you’d like to find out just how easy it is for you to reduce spending, cut carbon emissions and save in excess of 30% on your energy bills, then contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to provide you all the necessary information.