Scotland commits £5m to tackle the problem of fuel poverty

The Scottish government has allocated £5m to a scheme that would enable it to take a positive step towards ending fuel poverty, a recent news report in the local media has been able to find.
The funding will be used as part of a cashback scheme that will be made available to housing associations, who can access it to install various energy saving measures in fuel poor homes to help them keep warm.
The scheme is a part of the government £119 million target to improve fuel poverty and energy efficiency in 2015/16.
Housing Minister Margaret Burgess said: “It is clear that energy efficiency measures can make a huge difference to families who are struggling to make ends meet. The cashback scheme is aimed at saving householder’s money by reducing their heating bills and will also cut carbon emissions.”
The government states 24 social landlords across Scotland received funding to improve more than 1,600 properties across Scotland last year.
HeatingSave – The most effective energy-saving system for home or commercial venues
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