Barnoldswick Conservative Club relies on HeatingSave for effective heating control

The Barnoldswick Conservative Club is one of the best-known and oldest social clubs in Barnoldswick, Lancashire, offering members the chance to socialize and also to engage in a wide range of leisure activities.
The Club employs around 14 members of staff at all times, but its level of occupancy varies quite a lot, depending on the number of members visiting it at any given moment. Its central heating system features a gas-fired boiler, but also an immersion heating solution for the hot water.
Mrs. Heather Sharples, the Club’s secretary, recalls that, around 2 years ago, the Club started looking for a solution that would grant its administrators a superior level of control over their heating system, but would also help them save money on the ever-increasing energy bills.
“Quite a few of our members had some issues with the thermostats the club used at the time for controlling heat. That’s why we’ve started searching for an alternate solution, that would grant us more control and, obviously, also save us money”, Mrs. Sharples told the HeatingSave reporter.
The HeatingSave Small Business system installed at the Barnoldswick Conservative Club is designed to reduce energy expenditure by anywhere between 20 and 30%+ by thoroughly monitoring internal and external temperatures, occupancy, air quality, etc. and optimizing the boilers’ and other heating system’s functionality.
Since the Barnoldswick Conservative Club sports an immersion hot water heating system, it’s also quite important to point out that, with HeatingSave, immersions demand is matched by the “heat profile algorithm” to use the least amount of energy – this time saving money on the electricity bill. Complete control over the hot water temperature also allows users to include an automatic hot water “boost” to combat legionella. All this reduces the amount of electricity needed to heat the hot water – saving money at the same time.
The system also makes use of a PIR sensor installed in one of the Club’s 2’nd floor rooms. The PIRs attached to the HeatingSave controller can prove to be very effective tools for reducing energy consumption, as they enable the BEMS to reduce heating to a background level when the room/zone is not occupied for a longer period of time, and then quickly bring it back up again, when someone enters the respective zone/area.
Given the sheer complexity of the Club’s premises and several other pre-existing conditions, setting up the HeatingSave system and getting it to work at the required parameters involved a serious amount of bespoke work, and several visits on site by the HeatingSave engineers.
Following an extensive tweaking and optimization process, the HeatingSave system has helped the Barnoldswick Conservative Club accurately control the central heating system and also save money on the heating bills. “I can’t tell you exactly how much we’re saving, since gas prices and bills have gone up so much lately, but it’s quite clear that we’re using less fuel after HeatingSave was installed than we did before”, Mrs. Sharples told the HeatingSave reporter. She also believes that, right now, the energy management system installed at the club is used at its full potential.
When asked what she likes most about the HeatingSave system, Mrs. Sharples’s answer was “I like that it offers a superior level of control over the heating system, and also lowers fuel consumption.”
Mrs. Sharples got in touch with the HeatingSave help desk a few times, and praises the level of service delivered by the operators. “The help line was excellent. They’ve really managed to guide me through some of the system’s features, and helped whenever something was not working properly.”
Furthermore, “the Operations Department engineers also did a good job, since they got the system to work exactly as we wanted it to.”
In terms of improving the quality of the service HeatingSave delivers to the Barnoldswick Conservative Club, Mrs. Sharples believes that there’s really not much that can be done better. “Right now, the system works fine. The help line is there should anything go wrong, so we’re quite happy with everything.”
Summing up, Mrs. Sharples told the HeatingSave reporter that “The HeatingSave system works fine. The help desk service is excellent, and the fact that you can remotely log in our system and optimize it is also a major plus.”
Customer Information
Barnoldswick Conservative Club
Station Road
Barnoldswick, Lancashire
BB18 5NA
Phone: 01282 812393