HeatingSave cuts fuel bills for the Old Rectory

The Old Rectory in Kings Cliffe near Peterborough is a fine example of a large early Victorian house set in its own grounds. Like many large old houses it is not inexpensive to heat and the current owner, Mr Collins, had noticed how the price of gas had increased dramatically when he received his quarterly bill. Keen to do something about the situation, Mr Collins surfed the internet to see if there was any way in which he could reduce his gas bill. “The Old Rectory is large and drafty, and the heating system is pretty old too” he explained to the HeatingSave reporter.

A HeatingSave House and Home system was installed in 2008 and this was linked to a PC so that Mr Collins could see the graph of the savings made for him. “I was sceptical as to whether the system could make any savings with our old boiler. I thought maybe 5% to 10%?” said Mr Collins, “… can you imaging how surprised I was to see a 24% reduction in the fuel usage for the first two months!” he exclaimed

Asked what he liked most about HeatingSave, “Saving me money on my heating bill!!” was his initial reply. He then added, “The most impressive thing is what they call the Heating Algorithm. It works out the latest time to turn on the boiler to get to the temperature I want; whether a room temperature in the house or the hot water.”

Mr Collins also likes the use of the PIRs to automatically turn down the heating when he is not at home. He is abroad much of the time and finds the way in which the heating automatically turns itself down when nobody is around particularly useful.

In conclusion Mr Collins said “Every house should have a HeatingSave system. My one will pay for itself in less than a year, which is more than I could say if I had installed a new boiler” and summing up his experience of HeatingSave in a few words Mr Collins concluded “Professional company, first class service, clever technology but simple to use.”

The Old Rectory,

Kings Cliffe,



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