Building Energy Management Systems’ Market to reach US$8.4billion by 2027, new research report reveals

The global Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) market is expected to reach US$8.4billion by 2027, trailing a post COVID-19 CAGR of 12.4% between 2020 and 2027, a recent market research report has been able to suggest.

Building Management Systems are sophisticated systems integrating hardware, software, and services with information and communication technologies for monitoring, automating, managing, and controlling the energy requirements of buildings.

BEMS are microcomputer systems that automatically monitor and control energy-consuming electrical and mechanical equipment such as thermostats, HVAC, and lighting within a single building or a group of buildings in order to enhance energy-efficiency and comfort.

Components such as air conditioners, lighting, boilers, water heaters, elevating machines, outlet machines, plumbing, and sanitation equipment are controlled through BEMS. BEMS function by connecting building engineering services to a central computer that enables control over on/off times, humidity, temperature and other factors.

The concept of BEMS plays a vital role in managing energy demand, especially in multi-building sites and large-sized complex buildings. With the introduction of cloud computing technologies, the functionality BEMS has expanded beyond conventional energy analytics and energy visualization to include demand response and property management. BEMS are primarily used in commercial buildings including hospitals, hotels, educational institutions, club houses, IT parks, malls, and industries.

The rush to turn residential & commercial buildings into smart buildings will be greater post Covid-19 & beyond, as sustainability & safety become top priority for a pandemic scarred world focused on resilience. The increased post pandemic focus shed on energy consumed by the buildings sector is expected to bring fresh opportunities for growth of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS). The growth in the market will be driven by the growing regulatory pressure to curb energy wastage in buildings; evolution of smart building technologies and their role in pushing up the property value of buildings; legislation of new green building codes; and emergence of IoT and cloud as a potential game changer for the BEMS market.

The growing government focus worldwide on stepping up investments in smart cities will benefit demand for BEMS as energy management in smart homes and buildings is the first step towards building energy efficient smart cities. Key benefits of BEMS driving its adoption include reduced cost by conserving energy; helps buildings obtain green certification; provides facility managers real-time visibility into energy consumption trends; easy identification of electrical anomalies; and reduced risk of power spikes, shutdowns and electrical equipment failure.

HeatingSave Building Management System BMS software –advanced controls and analytics features

The HeatingSave high level software is a web based user friendly and intuitive software application, delivering unrivalled control and monitoring of the heating system. Using just a browser from one desktop or laptop PC, tablet or smart phone you can control your entire building or a whole network of buildings. Software features include:

Advanced planning of heating patterns and diary allowing 365 day programming with different patterns for each zone.

Graph visualisation of every temperature, air quality, occupancy and on/off event ever recorded. Use these to identify problems with boilers, pumps etc. and also to prove that HeatingSave is working for you.

Transaction and fault logging and reporting. Alerts include boilers failing to respond, or when they unexpectedly start to increase in heat (manually overridden by someone). Also sensors hitting maximum/minimum temperatures are displayed. Avoid expensive repair and maintenance costs by determining what the problem is first so you can either change the settings yourself or send the right person first time.

Running Costs – View the costs of boilers, equipment like pumps or immersions, air-cons etc. The costs are broken down by site or by each system individually. They are then displayed daily, monthly and quarterly. You can even see the carbon usage of your building or collection of buildings.

View your site as a schematic with temperatures and equipment status overlaid. Keep track of an entire site from one easy viewport.

Easily manage the settings and parameters for the entire Building Energy Management System from one place.

If you’d like to find out more information on the HeatingSave Building Energy Monitoring System, please contact us, and our specialists will answer your questions and queries in a very fast and easy manner.

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