Energy efficiency measures to play “vital” role in slashing business energy costs

Energy efficiency measures will prove extremely important (even “vital”) to combat the ever-increasing cost of energy in the industrial sector, a recent report by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) was able to reveal.

Commercial sector energy bills will increase by 31% and industrial sector bills by 26% to 2030 due to low-carbon policies, the paper suggested. However, the report also forecast that these significant increases can be offset through energy efficiency measures, which can cut energy bills and may provide savings larger than those costs.

Head of climate and environment policy at EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, Gareth Stace says that it is vital for government to take a long-term approach to minimsing costs, especially for energy intensive industry.

“The report lays bare the potential impact of climate change policy on industrial energy prices over the next decade, estimating that it could add 100% to electricity bills by 2030. This would place serious competitive pressures on heavy industry.

“The package of protection measures announced by the Coalition Government could reduce these costs by around 80% but at present it does not stretch beyond 2019/20.

“It is crucial that in future industrial considerations are placed at the centre of energy policy formation, rather than something to simply tag on at the end,” he said.

Replacing your central heating clock with a HeatingSave energy and boiler management controller is the quickest way of beating those tariff rises and saving on energy costs, often paying for itself in less than a year but almost always in less than 3 years.

HeatingSave can cut your energy usage by 20% to 30% with its energy management control, as its internal microprocessor constantly calculates and improves the efficiency and savings of your central heating system.

Using HeatingSave, simply choose the room temperature and the hot water you want, and when, and HeatingSave does the rest. It works with all central heating systems – oil, gas or coal – and links up with a PC to produce reports and graphs to fashion a powerful and complete energy management system.

The system is backed by the Carbon Trust and the Energy Savings Trust. 

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