Energy efficiency to be a top priority in the UK’s Clean Growth strategy

Energy efficiency will be a top priority in the UK Government’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and support clean growth, a news source has revealed.
As many as 50 measures are expected to be included in the blueprint for how the UK can meet legally-binding targets to reduce carbon emissions by 57 per cent from 1990 levels by 2032 according to people involved in the process.
Policies will span from the promotion of electric vehicles to backing for technologies to reduce energy demand and carbon emissions from homes and businesses.
While green energy investors are likely to be reassured by the government’s renewed commitment to the carbon reduction goals enshrined in the Climate Change Act, there may be disappointment at a lack of firm financial commitments in an announcement expected to dwell more on broad strategy than policy specifics.
Achieving energy savings by making buildings more energy efficient
Improving your building’s energy efficiency is a sure fire way to cut electricity costs, and this is specifically where HeatingSave – the low-cost building management system (BMS) – can help.
Replacing your central heating clock with a HeatingSave energy and boiler management controller is the quickest way of beating those tariff rises and saving on energy costs, often paying for itself in less than a year but almost always in less than 3 years.
HeatingSave can cut your energy usage by 20% to 30% with its energy management control, as its internal microprocessor constantly calculates and improves the efficiency and savings of your central heating system.
Using HeatingSave, simply choose the room temperature and the hot water you want, and when, and HeatingSave does the rest. It works with all central heating systems – electricity, oil, gas or coal – and links up with a PC to produce reports and graphs to fashion a powerful and complete energy management system.
The system is backed by the Carbon Trust and the Energy Savings Trust.