Soaring energy bills push up UK inflation

The rising cost of energy is to blame for a severe increase in UK inflation over the course of February, a recent report by the Office for National Statistics reveals.

According to officials from the ONS, inflation as measured by the consumer prices index reached a 9-month record high of 2.8% in February, up from 2.7%. Furthermore, housing costs rose by 0.5% between January and February due to the increase in domestic gas and electricity bills.

The rise of energy bills will affect any company (although some will take the hit harder than others), but the HeatingSave system can actually help customers mitigate this trend’s negative effects by optimizing their energy consumption.

One of HeatingSave’s main selling points is represented by its impressive versatility, our solution being able to easily meet the needs of home owners, small businesses and large enterprises alike.

The HeatingSave Energy Management Controller, the centrepiece of any HeatingSave system, features 8 temperature/light level/humidity analogue sensor inputs, 8 occupancy sensor/switch digital inputs and 8 mains relay outputs. However, if that’s not enough, up to 16 additional networked sub-controllers can also be added to the system in order to expand its overall range, each sub-controller supporting an extra 8 analogue and 8 digital inputs, as well as 8 relay outputs.

Furthermore, multiple Energy Management Controllers can be networked to a single control unit, meaning that companies operating across several buildings or different sites will still be able to control all of their separate HeatingSave systems from a single, Internet-connected central location.

If you’re interested in finding out more on this topic and learning what HeatingSave can do for your business, don’t hesitate and contact our team, or take our Free Energy Survey.  

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