Energy Efficiency Measures help US Firms save $1.3bn

Implementing advanced energy saving measures has helped US firms save more than $1.3(£0.89) billion on their overall bills, a news report suggests.
The 310 public and private organisations made energy-saving commitments through the Department of Energy’s ‘Better Buildings Challenge’, resulting in the cost savings.
The initiative, which was launched by President Barack Obama in 2011, aims to make commercial, public, industrial and residential buildings 20% more energy efficient over the next decade.
Together those businesses, which represent 34,000 buildings and facilities, have so far invested $5.5 billion (£3.8bn) in energy efficiency projects.
They also saved around 10 million tons of carbon emissions and 2.3 billion gallons of water.
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said: “Thanks to a dedicated drive to actively create and share the best energy efficiency solutions, Better Buildings partners have dramatically cut their energy waste and saved more than a billion dollars since the Better Buildings initiative was launched five years. As the initiative continues to grow, we are moving the nation forward by reducing energy costs and carbon emissions through energy efficiency.”
HeatingSave – helping every business become more energy efficient
Domestic and non-domestic customers alike can take advantage of the impressive level of energy efficiency enabled by the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, which allows user to save 20 to 30 percent on their gas and electricity bills by optimizing consumption levels across any building, depending on its specific heat-loss profile.
Plus, the system also includes automatic occupancy detection features, allowing the temperature to be reduced to a background when areas are not used and quickly brought up to temperature when they are being used.
It’s also very important to mention that HeatingSave can take an automatic decision on whether to use electricity or gas for heating during summer, and also enables users to set a night setback temperature, reducing the night heating by a few degrees to still keep 24/7 operations warm whilst saving energy and money.
If you’re already interested in what HeatingSave has in store and you’d like to find out more on the matter, just get in touch, our dedicated product team will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.