Consumers can view energy consumption displayed on a Smart Phone

A minister said the new Energy Bill is designed to slash greenhouse gas emissions. Energy and climate change secretary Ed Davey said the proposals would “enable us to keep the lights on, bills down and air clean”. Tabling a written statement before parliament alongside the draft bill, he added: “If we don’t secure investment in our energy infrastructure, we could see the lights going out, consumers hit by spiralling energy prices and dangerous climate change.”

Consumers can help reduce their energy bills with HeatingSave’s Energy Monitor (product code T3518). It displays the cost of the energy you are consuming, for today and previous days, together with the amount of carbon dioxide you have produced on those days; all on a very easy to use monitor screen. This helps you stay on top of where you are using the most energy and how much it is costing you. Not only is the energy consumption displayed on the T3518 display, but it is also viewable via an iPhone or Smart Phone.

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