Households easily analyse via PC where the most energy is wasted

A housing association was so concerned about the high fuel bills residents have been recently facing that it paid more than £45,000 to help them. The problems occurred when a new heating system was fitted in their homes on a government-funded affordable housing estate. The families have told the BBC television programme Rip Off Britain their bills cost up to four times more than expected. Builders had to come in and remove the system from another estate.

Do you feel ripped-off with your fuel costs? HeatingSave typically lowers household and business bills by 20% to 30%-plus. The ingenuity of HeatingSave is that you can analyse directly where you are wasting the most heating and using the most energy in the home. The clever PC software shows you when and where you use the most energy. The software makes it possible to view the data in text or graph format as well as displaying the daily gas or electricity costs and the CO2 produced.

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