How to save on high oil bills with controller that learns heat loss profile of buildings

High oil prices could stall the global economic recovery and “sow the seeds of their own destruction”. That is the view of the International Energy Agency (IEA) which says global oil demand this year is set to be lower than a previous forecast. Higher oil prices were among the cause of the body’s revision. “Persistently high prices at this stage of the economic cycle may ultimately sow the seeds of their own destruction,” the IEA said.

Simply switch to HeatingSave House and Home, which is the ideal basic system to save on your home heating bills and works with most types of oil boilers. The controller constantly reads the temperature from sensors connected to the flow and return pipe of your boiler, hot water tank and outside your home to learn about the heat loss profile of your house. This is constantly recalculated and refined each day so that HeatingSave can more efficiently use the way in which your central heating system is switched on and off, thus saving you about a quarter off bills.

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