Leave the car at home HeatingSave shaves a quarter from heating bills

Average petrol prices spiralled to a record high of 120p a litre this month – and went even higher in remote communities. As well as ingenious individual and collective schemes (Liftshare.com promotes the use of car pools), HeatingSave is a more straightforward method of cutting a quarter from your fuel bills.

Never mind cars, with HeatingSave you do not even have to leave the house to save money! The computerised HeatingSave House and Home central heating system automatically adjusts the boiler temperature depending upon the outside temperature, using the minimum amount of fuel to keep a building warm.

Connect our infra-red occupancy detectors to the HeatingSave system and the heating will automatically turn itself down, or even off, when nobody is at home but automatically turn up the heating when you arrive. For small to medium sized businesses the saving here can be enormous as the building is only heated when people are about. A HeatingSave system shaves 15% to 30% off your annual bills and is approved by the Energy Savings Trust.

Among its other features are its ability to accurately watch the climbing room temperature and switches off the heat, using the residual heat within the boiler, to reach the correct room temperature. Thermostats cannot do this.

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