Make your home more energy-efficient with Green Deal and HeatingSave

The Government’s Green Deal program has been operational since late January, and it seems that quite a lot of home owners are already considering a possible upgrade to their households, in order to make them more energy efficient.

According to a recent newspaper report, it seems that energy assessors for the Green Deal program are in very high demand right now, most of them boasting mile long waiting lists, despite the rather high price of an assessment operation (around 150 pounds sterling).

Of course, the fact that producing a report for a single house takes a good five hours (3 hours for the actual house visit and a further 2 hours for making up the report using the specialized Green Deal software) might also factor in these long waiting times.

And since most people are not willing to really spend this kind of money in vain, it’s quite likely that most of them will follow at least part of the assessors’ suggestions and make steps towards changing their homes’ thermal and energy envelopes.

HeatingSave is the top energy-saving solution to be installed in any household, as it enables users to save between 20 and 30 percent on their energy bills. Our system can optimize the energy consumption levels around the home by intelligently adjusting heating and cooling patterns depending on a variety of factors such as external and internal temperatures, occupancy sensors, etc.

Furthermore, the HeatingSave system controls are also available via an online interface, meaning that information regarding your energy consumption, as well as heating controls, are literally at your fingertips, at any given moment.  

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