Making your home more energy efficient will reduce chances of a mortgage default

The risk of mortgage default is one-third lower for energy-efficient homes, an academic study carried out on behalf of the US Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) reveals.

The results of this study shouldn’t really come as much of a surprise, given the fact that, after all, saving money on their energy bills allows home owners to put those sums towards their mortgage payments. Plus, since the energy-related improvements are permanent, the value of the property will increase, not to mention the fact that the owner will be left with some extra income, as soon as the mortgage has been repaid in full.

The HeatingSave system enables users to actually save up to 30%+ on their heating bills, which will certainly weigh in a lot, especially in those cases when energy-related expenditure represents the bulk of one’s monthly bills.

The system employs dedicated hardware, high-sensitivity sensors and probes, as well as an advanced algorithm for computing heating loss in various zones. With the help of all of these components, HeatingSave’s Building Energy Management System manages to completely automate the heating pattern around your home, offering the same level of comfort, while in the same time drastically reducing consumption.

Moreover, HeatingSave also incorporates Energy & Alert Monitoring system providing a comprehensive overview of your energy spending, not to mention a special module for accounting the electricity generated and the cash earned from Solar PV systems.

If you’d like to find out more about the HeatingSave system, our dedicated product team will be able to answer all of your questions.

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