Tenants could receive the right to request landlords carry out energy efficiency improvements

Domestic tenants could receive the right to request their landlords carry out energy efficiency improvements from 2016 under new proposals published by the government as a part of its wider initiative to combat fuel poverty across the UK.

One in ten privately rented homes have the lowest energy efficiency rating, with nearly 20% of these homes being in fuel poverty – almost double the national average, figures published by the government were able to reveal.

From 2018, the least energy efficient rental properties would not be allowed to be let until they are improved to an Energy Performance Certificate rating of Band E. Any energy efficiency improvements must be financeable without any compulsory upfront cost to the landlord.

Nevertheless, landlords will be able to let properties below an E rating after 2018 if they have made use of all available funding to make improvements and are still unable to increase the energy efficiency of the property to the minimum standard.

Under the new proposals, there will also be a legal obligation for as many fuel poor homes “as reasonably practicable” to be raised to a Band E energy efficiency rating by 2020, Band D by 2025 and Band C by 2030.

Energy and Climate Change Minister, Amber Rudd said: “Many people are currently living in unacceptably cold, inefficient properties and pay over the odds to heat them. Today’s proposals set out a clear plan of action to help the most vulnerable in our society enjoy the benefits of warmer homes with lower bills.”

Mr Davey said that the proposed changes to the private rented sector would mean people living and working in privately rented accommodation would enjoy the benefits of warmer homes and offices – with lower bills.

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