Housing association wins EU energy efficiency grant

A well-known UK housing association has managed to win a substantial grant for implementing energy efficiency measures, a news report has been able to suggest.
Sovereign, the sixth largest housing association in the country, has signed a £150 million deal with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to support its plans to build 4,500 new homes in the next three years.
Part of the funding will be used to improve the energy efficiency of its existing homes, of which the association has more than 56,000.
EIB Vice President Jonathan Taylor visited the company in Newbury, Berkshire, to see some of the sites that may benefit from the funding.
He said: “This week’s visit to Newbury provides a valuable opportunity to see how upgrading existing properties and the construction of new social housing will improve lives, create jobs, benefit local suppliers and cut heating bills in homes for hundreds of families across southern England.”
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