New guidelines released to help energy managers bridge the energy performance gap in buildings

Facilities managers and building operators searching for best-in-class solutions designed to bridge the energy performance gap in their building portfolio will receive a helping hand from the BRE Trust and the Energy Services and Technology Association in the form of a set of guidelines published in their latest report – “Bridging the performance gap – understanding predicted and actual building operational energy”.
Currently, operators of commercial and public sector buildings have two indicators of a buildings energy performance available to them. The first is an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating which is a theoretical assessment of a buildings energy needs in optimum conditions. The second is a Display Energy Certificate (DEC) which is based on actual energy consumption. The DEC is almost always higher due to occupant behaviour, non-standard hours of operation, and unregulated loads such as IT and office equipment.
In the report, author Andy Lewry explains how the UK Government’s Green Deal Assessment tool – GD-SBEM – can be used to reconcile the differences between the two sets of information. ‘By inputting both theoretical and actual consumption data, GD-SBEM can help building operators really understand the energy use in a building, highlighting where improvements can be made and the costs and related payback periods of investment. The tool can also help larger organisations report against the requirements of the UK government’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).
Accompanying the report is a sister publication: Producing the business case for investment in energy efficiency (IP2/15). This offers practical guidance to building operators on how to make a sound financial case for investing in energy efficiency improvements that will bridge the energy performance gap.
HeatingSave – high-performance BEMS with monitoring features guaranteed to deliver quick ROI
HeatingSave Building Energy Management Systems are capable of delivering extensive monitoring and control options, compared to basic controls. They typically employ data from a variety of sources (boiler flow and return sensors, internal and external temperature sensors, occupancy sensors, humidity sensors, etc.), and enable the perfect optimization of a building’s boiler-based central heating system.
Our Energy Monitor connects to a HeatingSave energy management system to give you the ability to view your current energy usage. Additionally, it show the amount of CO2 associated with this energy usage, all on a very easy to use monitor touch screen. Always keep up-to-date on what’s going on with your energy system, where you are using the most energy and where you are spending the most money.
Attractive design presents the data in a smart manner using metering graphs and modern graphics.
Compare your current level of usage with past data, e.g. compare today’s data with yesterdays, or even last year’s usage data. Accurately see how much energy is currently being used, how much CO2 is being produced and most importantly, how much it is costing you. The Energy Monitor is updated in real-time so you can see energy changes instantly and keep on top of your usage with ease.