Tag Archive: Small Homes

  1. Headmaster in Northern Ireland installs HeatingSave

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    David Manning has a four-bedroom 26-year-old detached family house in Dundonald, Belfast. The home is heated by an oil-fired boiler. In 2009 Mr Manning, who is a school headmaster, was looking at ways of improving the energy efficiency of his home and was thinking about installing an energy management system. He looked at HeatingSave and two other products but decided to install a HeatingSave House & Home system because it did a lot more than the competitor systems and was very good value for money.

    Mr Manning said that the main advantage of HeatingSave over the competitors was “HeatingSave is very modular in the way the system is set up.” He added, “The deciding factor was the ability within HeatingSave to monitor and regulate the system using a PC.”

    In the Easter 2009, Mr Manning installed the HeatingSave House & Home system himself. He particularly liked the fact that HeatingSave allowed this ‘DIY’ method. He said that the installation was straight forward apart from a little problem in installing the PC software. This was quickly overcome by calling the HeatingSave Help Desk.

    Mr Manning particularly likes the use of the Passive Infra-Red Detectors to control occupancy and says: “They’re an attractive part of the system, in that the heating automatically turns itself down when nobody is at home.” Mr Manning was also impressed with the way HeatingSave can control zone valves to distribute heat to different parts of the house. He added “I’m very pleased with the way you can automatically control the heating depending on zones independently of each other. The system gives me three heating zones – upstairs, downstairs and the games room.”

    Asked by the reporter whether HeatingSave saved on his fuel bill, Mr Manning replied: “It’s hard to tell because we’ve just had the coldest winter on record – but I believe it has.”

    When asked what he liked most about HeatingSave, Mr Manning replied: “Teaching maths in a school, I’m very interested in the way that HeatingSave shows the performance of the energy management system, the costs and graphs side of it.”

    Mr Manning said that he was pleased in the way in which the HeatingSave Customer Support team took on-board comments and suggestions from customers. Some of his suggestions had been taken up by the company and they gave him a free upgrade of his software.

    Summing up his experience of HeatingSave in a few words, Mr Manning concluded: “HeatingSave is a responsive system that gives you a whole new level of control over your heating.”

  2. Somerset bungalow owner reduces gas bills with HeatingSave

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    Mr. Bob Patrick lives together with his family in 4-bedroom detached bungalow in Wincanton, Somerset. The manager of a successful coffee pod business, Mr. Patrick is well aware of the significant savings even a slight cut in overall costings can achieve on the long term.

    Mr. Patrick’s bungalow is heated by multiple radiators, connected to a single gas-fired condensing boiler, which is also used for hot water provision. Moreover, the house also includes a wood burner, installed in the living room.

    While extending his property a few years ago, Bob was also looking for a solution that would grant him “a very high level of controllability” over his home’s heating system, especially during those times of the year when the weather is warmer. He was already accustomed to the benefits provided by a heating control system, as he had previously used an older product of this type at another residence, but he simply couldn’t find one that would perfectly suit his needs.

    Some of the other systems I’ve researched either featured a boiler flow sensor and an interior temperature sensor, but no external temperature sensor, or the other way around. None of them had all of the features and functions I required, integrated in a single, comprehensive solution.” Mr. Patrick told our reporter.

    Luckily, when searching the Internet for a solution that would help him “save on heating”, he came across the HeatingSave system, that immediately caught his eye. The reason? “It provided just about every bit of functionality I wanted, and more”, Bob said.

    Since he was quite confident in his technical abilities, Mr. Patrick decided to install the HeatingSave House & Home system by himself, back in September 2011.

    HeatingSave House & Home can reduce heating bills by 20% to 30%+ by better and more efficiently running the heating (or cooling) system. It relies on a proprietary, advanced heat-loss algorithm that self-learns the heating characteristics of each heating zone within one’s home and determines the optimum pattern for efficiently heating it, while in the same time cutting the bills.

    Moreover, the system grants user multiple access options, as it can be easily controlled via the associated web-based software, from any type of device connected to the Internet just about anywhere around the world. It also allows users to view exactly just how much energy their house requires at all times, and can even act as an alarm, sending alerts whenever abnormal temperatures are recorded.

    Bob recalls that no problems were encountered when installing the HeatingSave hardware, but he had a couple of issues when configuring the control software on his PC and getting it to work with the rest of the system.

    After contacting HeatingSave, Mr. Patrick was able to ultimately solve all of those problems and has tweaked his system to a point where it “works brilliantly” and offers “a very good level of comfort”.

    Asked whether HeatingSave helped him save on the fuel bill, Mr. Patrick’s answer was “Yes, definitely. It easily saves at least 20 percent”. Bob also believes that he uses the system as its full potential, after “sitting down and going through every available setting”.

    When asked by the HeatingSave reporter whether he has any plans for extending the system, Mr. Patrick’s answer was that “I only use 4 relays on the board right now, so there’s plenty of potential there to add extras, need be”. “On the other hand, I’m eagerly looking forward to your new Linux-based controller, and I will upgrade as soon as it becomes available,” Bob added.

    Mr. Patrick is now so accustomed to using HeatingSave that he feels confident to say: “For me, it’s already very easy to use.

    Talking about what he likes most about the HeatingSave system, Bob said he appreciates the extensive “control options and adjustable parameters”, as well as the possibility of setting specific heating patterns using the diary function.

    When questioned whether he would recommend the HeatingSave system to other home owners, Mr. Patrick answered “Yes, I certainly would”. As for his overall experience with HeatingSave, Bob said that “It’s a brilliant little system, that works really well. The technology inside it is very well done. Plus, as far as I’m concerned, I got a very good deal out of it, since it wasn’t that expensive and it has already saved me a lot of money.”




  3. HeatingSave helps Cambridgeshire 4-bedroom end-of-terrace home owner save energy

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    Mr. Jonathan Woodward lives in a relatively newly-built 4-bedroom end-of-terrace house in Cambridgeshire. His central heating system is built around a combi boiler, powering multiple radiators installed within the house.

    Back in early 2012, Mr. Woodward decided to put an end to over-spending on energy bills. After doing some extensive market research for a product that would allow him to optimize energy consumption, while in the same time providing good levels of comfort, Mr. Woodward ultimately decided to opt for a HeatingSave Starter system.

    I was certainly excited by the prospect of in-depth control over the heating system, using a dedicated, customizable software interface. Also, saving money on the fuel bills is certainly something I was particularly interested in?”, Mr. Woodward told the HeatingSave reporter.

    The HeatingSave Building Management System uses advanced temperature, boiler flow and occupancy monitoring technology in order to optimize the level of comfort within a house when delivered by a boiler-based central heating system. It minimizes fuel usage whilst at the same time ensuring a very comfortable temperature throughout the dwelling.

    The core of HeatingSave is the proprietary “heat loss algorithm”, comprising multiple quadratic equations for each heating zone to switch the heating on as late as possible to still reach the required temperature by the required time. The energy management system also makes sure that the building is not over heated by applying adaptive outside temperature compensation using a drag & drop curve that can be easily changed by the user.

    HeatingSave does a whole lot more that the simple mobile phone based on/off controllers sold by energy companies. It combines energy savings with security to give the ultimate home management system. Unlike other systems, you can get at the data making it ideal for the keen home computing people.

    The system was installed back in May 2012, and Mr. Woodward doesn’t recall any particular incidents occurring during either the hardware or software installation processes.

    Relying mostly on the User’s Manual in order to explore the HeatingSave system’s various functions, Mr. Woodward managed to get the hang of it quite quickly. “I have my own home IT network and I enjoy this sort of thing. I found it easy to setup and use the system. ”

    Mr. Woodward believes that he has optimised HeatingSave and has started saving on his fuel bills. “While I can’t provide you the actual sum, I can tell you that the energy savings make by the system has helped me achieve savings of at least advertised 20 to 30 percent range.”

    Jonathan also makes very good use of HeatingSave’s diary function for controlling and scheduling specific heating patterns. “The diary function is useful, as it allows me to set heating patterns depending on my schedule. So, I save money, yet the house is warm when I get back from work. Plus, it also allows me to maintain an above-freezing ambient temperature throughout whenever I go Skiing in the winter for a week at a time.”

    One of temperature sensor became faulty and Mr. Woodward had to call the HeatingSave help desk. Everything went very smoothly,  “The HeatingSave HelpDesk sorted the problem in no time. They were great. I was very happy with the service.”

    When asked whether he’d recommend the HeatingSave system to other home owners as well, Mr.Woodward told our reporter that “I certainly would. The product saves quite a bit on the energy bills, and also gives you in-depth control over each heating zone in the house. I use my mobile phone to keep an eye on the house security and heating when I am away”

    Finally, when asked to describe his relationship with HeatingSave, Mr. Woodward told us that “If you set it up properly, the system will pay for itself in no time. Plus, you’ll also have more control over the boiler and radiators, while also being able to check your real usage against the suppliers’ bills at any time.”

    Customer Information:

    Mr. Jonathan Woodward
