Biomass with HeatingSave – cutting your bills while saving the planet

Biomass is the most viable source of renewable energy for the Republic of Moldova. The EU-funded and UNDP-implemented Energy and Biomass Project in Moldova is part of the EU4Energy Initiative and aims to contribute to the reliable, competitive and sustainable production of energy from biomass.

As a result of this project, a Moldovan kindergarten has made the switch from natural gas heating to biomass heating and solar-powered hot water. This makes life easier and more enjoyable for more than 230 children and 30 employees.

“We started feeling the comfort of having hot water anytime, without being concerned with the bills. In a kindergarten, hot water is not a luxury, but a necessity. Children need to wash their hands as often as possible, and we need hot water in the kitchen to wash the dishes,” says Elena Condurache, interim director of the kindergarten.

This is one of the 265 kindergartens, schools and health facilities which have been connected to biomass heating systems thanks to the Energy and Biomass Project.

“Thanks to the support offered by the European Union, we managed to implement a project we have been dreaming about – to provide good conditions for children and kindergarten’s employees,” says the village mayor, Petru Cigoreanu. He hopes that the energy revolution can continue:

“We know that clean energy systems are not only eco-friendly, but also economically efficient. We have biofuel producers both in the locality and in the district. Thus, we will be able to support the domestic producers and we will contribute to environment’s protection. The savings we will get will be used to repair the kindergarten’s building and to ensure optimal conditions for children.”


HeatingSave – helping supporters of green energy to save money


Here at HeatingSave, we truly believe in the transformative power of renewable energy to help save our planet.

Putting our money where our mouth is, we have created a network of UK wide companies, contracted to us, who are experts in installing Biomass boilers. HeatingSave takes full responsibility for the complete Biomass installation, so that you have peace-of-mind.

If you opt for an installation through one of our contractors, you will receive help and advice about renewable energy as well as our patented HeatingSave control system to manage the biomass boiler efficiently.

Setting up a new Biomass system for you also give us the opportunity to help you maximise your savings. We do this by finding out which rooms and areas you are occupying at which times, and therefore which rooms and areas you need to be heated, how much, and when. This method of aligning heating and cooling with your desired room usage, and therefore minimising waste, is achieved through intelligent occupancy sensors and can produce savings of up to 50%.

The HeatingSave system can also measure the carbon monoxide (“CO”) parts-per-million (“ppm”) levels. This is a vital measurement for wood pellet biomass systems as a relatively low amount of pellets can produce dangerous carbon monoxide levels if left unchecked.

Virtually all competitor biomass boilers have binary “good/bad” sensors which say when carbon monoxide has hit a dangerous level. A HeatingSave boiler can continually measure the carbon monoxide levels down to as low as 9 parts-per-million, and will alert you via email if it registers a problem.

That’s not the only metric HeatingSave can show you – the clear, simple graphics make it easy to keep track of your bills and the efficiency of your energy use. You can even keep track on your phone!

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