Tag Archive: Stately Homes

  1. Grade II Listed Bell House Chimes With HeatingSave

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    Bell House is a beautiful Grade II listed building, situated in the heart of Alconbury. It is currently a private residence to the Djanogly family, known for playing an active role in the local community. Bell House was one of the first domestic properties to install HeatingSave back in 2011, with a T3520 Building Energy Management System (BEMS) Controller to improve the efficiency of their wet central heating system. This was then augmented with electronic Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRV) on the radiators. Along with this, occupancy sensors were installed to determine when rooms were in use.

    The Djanogly’s also installed a smart card access control setup integrated into the HeatingSave system to better control the security gates to the property.

    “I love the fact that when I get to the house, I can have the heating exactly how I want it,” the lady of the house, Rebecca Djanogly, told the HeatingSave reporter. “I can have it turn it on an hour or two before I get there, and I don’t arrive at a cold house. I love that!”

    For a domestic property, Rebecca mentioned her love of using, and the benefit of, the HeatingSave mobile app: “I like the fact that right now I left the house this morning and I forgot to turn off the heating, and I’m not back there till Friday, I can just go on the app and turn it off, that’s really good.”

    When asked to sum up HeatingSave for other potential customers, Rebecca replied it’s “useful”, “a really good idea”, and “when it’s working, it’s great!”

    Customer Information

    As this case study is for a private residence, contact information has been withheld.

  2. HeatingSave cuts biomass fuel usage for large house in Derbyshire

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    Mr Matt Killingley lives in a large house near Chesterfield, in Derbyshire. As with most large houses, it is expensive to heat. This is the reason why, in early 2017, Mr. Killingley decided to take some active steps towards reducing his heating costs.

    “We live in a very large house so we decided to install a biomass boiler to cut the heating costs. We also needed to intelligently manage how we used the heating and that is why I looked at installing a BMS system. I needed a BMS that would use a mixture of wired and wireless controls and sensors as it was not possible to cable all parts of the house. It also had to control the biomass boiler with the ability to switch on and off the heating for specific areas of the house depending upon whether these areas were being used?” Mr. Killingley explained to the HeatingSave reporter when asked about his decision to choose HeatingSave. “We looked at a few BMS systems apart from HeatingSave but no other system I have found at was able to deliver that type of functionality at a reasonable price.“ he said.

    Biomass boilers incinerate organic material such as wood pellets, wood chip and animal/waste by-products. Apart from cheap energy, a new Biomass system controlled by also helps you zone every room to exactly mirror the way in which you use the building. Fuel savings here can be in excess of 50%. Quite simply, HeatingSave only heats areas being used.

    The HeatingSave system also has the ability to better manage air quality reporting and managing carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and volatile organic substances within the atmosphere.

    HeatingSave can also constantly measure the carbon monoxide (“CO”) parts-per-million (“ppm”) levels; something very important with Biomass systems. Virtually all other biomass boiler have go/not-go CO sensors set to specific CO danger levels. The new HeatingSave CO sensor constantly measures low levels of CO which create poor air quality leading to cause long term health issues. HeatingSave is the only Biomass system that constantly measures CO, as low as 9ppm, alerting you via Text or email of any potential problems.

    The HeatingSave system was installed in mid-2017 and Mr Killingley opted for a self-install, carried out by an approved 3’rd party installer. By his own admission, “the self-install had its challenges, but we’ve managed to successfully complete it with help from the HeatingSave help desk analysts.”

    Has HeatingSave managed to cut energy bills and biomass consumption? Mr Killingley’s immediate reply was: “Most certainly “yes”, by using the graph function I was immediately able to see the areas where we were wasting energy. HeatingSave has enabled us to fine tune the biomass boiler’s functionality, significantly cutting biomass fuel usage. I am sure that I’m saving at least 10% of wood pellet consumption. I could not have done that without the visualisation of what’s happening minute-by-minute provided by HeatingSave.“

    Large houses are the big winners when it comes to HeatingSave where is can control not only boilers, pumps, valves and radiators but also lights, air quality, smoke alarms, and security; this includes Smart Intruder Detection, panic buttons, control of safe rooms and smart card access control and CCTV systems.

    Energy management starts by not heating the whole house through zoning and using occupancy management of rooms but also includes the monitoring of gas, electricity, solar PV and water. All of this is managed by the owner using a web browser on a PC or mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet.

    Since the HeatingSave heating diary can be used by on mobile devices, you do not need to be “on-site” to manage you energy usage or control security. The heating diary can be set months or even years in advance so that the “house” knows when people are at home where they will be located via the geo-location system?

    HeatingSave’s software in-built alert system can Text or email a cascading set of people when something happens or goes wrong.

    When asked whether they’re using HeatingSave Building Management System at its full potential, Mr Killingley’s answered “While we are not using the system at 100% – we still have to add carbon monoxide sensors and a few other bits – we’re as close as possible to using it at its full potential.”

    Asked what he liked most about HeatingSave, Mr. Killingley immediately replied, “The depth of information it provides and how easy it was to configure with our biomass boiler and heating system.”

    The HeatingSave simple-to-use software lets you to easily manage the heating and security with a tap on your smart phone with the settings and parameters for the entire Building Management System from one place. Besides heat-loss algorithm that “self learns” the heating profile of each room, the advanced planning of heating patterns and diary allows 365 day programming of different patterns for each zone. This is supported by the Occupancy Management module that fine turns can trims heating costs.

    HeatingSave also stores 1,000’s of transactions a day so that it has the data available to make the right decisions and prove to you that its cutting fuel costs. Fault logging, reporting and alerting by Text or email helps avoid expensive repair and maintenance costs by determining where it is and the nature of problem. Running costs of boilers and equipment like pumps, valves, immersions, air conditioning units and lights can be view in real-time.

    HeatingSave is clearly a product of the “Internet of things”, but unlike other products HeatingSave stores all of your data locally on the T3521 hub – not on some cloud server for unscrupulous people to steal or businesses to bombard you with advertising – your data is safe with HeatingSave.

    Mr Killingley’s verdict on the user-friendliness of HeatingSave was, “It depends on what level you are using it. The overview panel is really easy to use and intuitive, but getting accustomed to the more in-depth advanced features does require some extra effort.”

    Asked whether he uses graphing and visualization features within HeatingSave, Mr. Killingley answered, “The graph and visualization software is very good”, adding that the “schematics are absolutely brilliant for the system’s setup and functionality.”

    The HeatingSave visualisation, graphing and schematics software updates temperatures, air quality, occupancy and on/off event as they happen or at least every minute. These are great for instant identification of what’s happening and keeping track of the site, especially whilst on the move.

    Mr. Killingley has used HeatingSave help desk several times and is happy with the level of support they provided. ”We have called the help desk on several occasions, especially during the install phase, and the service has always been very good.” he said.

    Summing up HeatingSave, Mr. Killingley concluded, “HeatingSave is a powerful, easily configurable building management system that enables substantial energy savings, as well as a very high level of control over the heating system.” – and would he recommend HeatingSave to other home owners? “Yes, I would and in fact, I already have!” was the reply.


    Customer information:

    Mr. Matt Killingley

  3. HeatingSave cuts fuel bills for the Old Rectory

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    The Old Rectory in Kings Cliffe near Peterborough is a fine example of a large early Victorian house set in its own grounds. Like many large old houses it is not inexpensive to heat and the current owner, Mr Collins, had noticed how the price of gas had increased dramatically when he received his quarterly bill. Keen to do something about the situation, Mr Collins surfed the internet to see if there was any way in which he could reduce his gas bill. “The Old Rectory is large and drafty, and the heating system is pretty old too” he explained to the HeatingSave reporter.

    A HeatingSave House and Home system was installed in 2008 and this was linked to a PC so that Mr Collins could see the graph of the savings made for him. “I was sceptical as to whether the system could make any savings with our old boiler. I thought maybe 5% to 10%?” said Mr Collins, “… can you imaging how surprised I was to see a 24% reduction in the fuel usage for the first two months!” he exclaimed

    Asked what he liked most about HeatingSave, “Saving me money on my heating bill!!” was his initial reply. He then added, “The most impressive thing is what they call the Heating Algorithm. It works out the latest time to turn on the boiler to get to the temperature I want; whether a room temperature in the house or the hot water.”

    Mr Collins also likes the use of the PIRs to automatically turn down the heating when he is not at home. He is abroad much of the time and finds the way in which the heating automatically turns itself down when nobody is around particularly useful.

    In conclusion Mr Collins said “Every house should have a HeatingSave system. My one will pay for itself in less than a year, which is more than I could say if I had installed a new boiler” and summing up his experience of HeatingSave in a few words Mr Collins concluded “Professional company, first class service, clever technology but simple to use.”

    The Old Rectory,

    Kings Cliffe,


    PE8 6XB

  4. HeatingSave reduces heating costs in Wolverhampton

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    Mr Bradley lives in a period house set in its own grounds in Penn near Wolverhampton. As with many old houses, keeping the heating bill low is difficult. This is partly due to the size of the property and partly because of the materials used to construct the house. Mr Bradley had already taken practical measures to make the house, an old forge, energy efficient and was looking at a better way to manage the oil fired central heating system. After searching the internet he came across HeatingSave and organised for a HeatingSave House & Home system to be installed in August 2009.

    HeatingSave is saving me hundreds of pounds a year” explained Mr Bradley to the HeatingSave reporter. Mr Bradley’s HeatingSave installation uses occupancy sensors to detect when people are at home. These automatically lower the room temperature when the house is empty and then automatically raise the room temperature when people arrive back. The system is also linked to a laptop PC so that Mr Bradley can view the heating graphs to make sure the system is programmed the way he wants it.

    Asked what he liked most about HeatingSave, Mr Bradley gave the familiar response of “Saving money!”. but he then added, “Like many professional families we are often out, so its impossible to program a heating timeclock to suit our lifestyle. HeatingSave’s occupancy sensors overcome this problem brilliantly”. Mr Bradley is also pleased with the way the Heating Algorithm calculates the latest time to turn on the boiler each morning to get the house to the required temperature.

    Summing up HeatingSave Mr Bradley said “I am not surprised that HeatingSave is recommended by the Carbon Trust, the Energy Savings Trust and London Green500. It’s a great product, and what’s more it’s designed and made in Britain”  –  and would Mr Bradley recommend HeatingSave to other home owners? “Most definitely yes!” was the reply.

    The Old Forge, Penn, Wolverhampton

  5. Stonycroft House cuts the cost of oil with HeatingSave

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    Stonycroft House is a substantial house in the delightful village of Edmondthorpe in Leicestershire. It is heated by a large oil fired boiler that has zone valves to control the flow of heat to the hot water cylinders and radiators. In 2009 the owner, Mr Bowden, was becoming concerned with the rising cost of oil and the predictions by the OECD that the price of oil could treble by 2025. “Heating a large house like Stonycroft is expensive” explained Mr Bowden to the HeatingSave reporter. “I needed to do something to improve the heating controls as I am often away on business and during this time the heating is on. The problem is that I might be called away and can’t always get back to change the heating settings”

    After searching the Internet, Mr Bowden came across www.heatingsave.com. He checked with HeatingSave Ltd regarding what its Building Energy Management System could do for him and a HeatingSave House & Home system was installed shortly afterwards. The HeatingSave House & Home controls all aspect of heating and is linked to a PC that is also connected to the Internet. Mr Bowden can use his mobile phone to update the HeatingSave diary so the heating systems “knows” when he intends to be at home and when he will be away. “The savings I have made on oil consumption are quiet amazing”, explained Mr Bowden. “I think this is partly due to this heating algorithm they have in HeatingSave that works out the latest time to switch on the heating and the earliest time it can get away with switching it off. However, for me, it’s the occupancy sensors which I believe have made the greatest difference. That’s because they are automatic and turn down the heating if I don’t come home”

    When asked what he liked most about HeatingSave Mr Bowden said, “Its got to be cutting the cost of my oil bill, but, what I like best are the occupancy sensors”.

    Mr Bowden described how the house still feels just as warm now as before HeatingSave was installed. He also likes being able to view the heating graphs on his PC to see how well the system is working, When asked if he would recommend HeatingSave to other owners of large houses or businesses he said “Most definitely! I tell all my friends, you know. I am even thinking of selling it myself? With the current downturn in the economy, businesses and the public sector will be looking at ways to cut costs – and this is a great way to cut costs from waste – it’s a win, win situation”

    Finally Mr Bowden added “Great product HeatingSave. Keep up the good work!”


    Stonycroft House, 4 Main Street, Edmondthorpe, Rutland, Leicestershire

  6. HeatingSave cuts heating oil bills for Alconbury House

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    Alconbury House is a large, imposing Georgian house located in the beautiful surroundings of Alconbury, Cambridgeshire. The house was built in the first half of the 19’th century and is a Grade 2 listed building. It uses a large oil fired boiler both for hot water provision and heating.

    In early 2012, the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Trotman, decided to participate in the Building Research Establishment’s (BRE) project called BRE 30-30, where a number of buildings were selected in order to test the extent to which retro-fitting heating controls to existing heating systems could cut household fuel bills.

    The project monitored each building for 30 days before any controls were retro-fitted and again for 30 days after the controls were fitted, to measure any savings made.

    The BRE 30-30 project was so successful that Mr & Mrs Trotman asked if they could keep they system in place after it concluded, as HeatingSave had performed so well in cutting their heating bills.

    Mrs. Trotman recalls that the system’s hardware and software installation processes went very well. She was also quite happy with the training she received on using the system: “the quality of the training process was very good”, she told the HeatingSave reporter.

    Mrs. Trotman believes that, right now, the HeatingSave system is being used at its full potential, reducing their oil bill by over 25%. It does so by running the boiler in a more efficient manner and also granting users a variety of control options – it lets them manage quite extensively the heating patterns and the heating diary, and see where & when they have been using the most fuel/energy.

    In fact, “the system’s ability to change/reduce oil consumption levels” is exactly what the Alconbury House residents love most about the HeatingSave system.

    HeatingSave works equally well on most types of central heating systems that use natural gas, oil, solid fuel (such as anthracite), electricity or LPG. Moreover, HeatingSave will also control renewable heating systems, such as air & ground source and wood burners.

    Mrs. Trotman also told the HeatingSave reporter that, as far as she’s concerned, the HeatingSave system is “quite easy to use. In fact, it’s me that should be reminded to check it from time to time.”

    Ever since the HeatingSave system was set up in Alconbury House, the owners only had to contact the HeatingSave technical support line on a few occasions, in order to sort out some minor issues, and Mrs. Trotman describes the quality of the analysts’ service as “excellent. It was very good every time I called them”.

    In fact, since everything worked out so well, the Alconbury House replied with a definite “Yes, I would” when asked whether she would recommend HeatingSave to other home owners.

    Summing up, Mrs. Trotman is quite happy with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System installed at Alconbury House, describing the system as a “reliable, useful way of being in charge of the heating system and its timings, and also save on oil”.


    Customer Information

    Mr & Mrs Trotman

    Alconbury House, Alconbury, Cambridgeshire

  7. HeatingSave saves fuel in West London

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    Dr Jones lives in a basement apartment in London, W14. Whilst this is not a large dwelling to heat, Dr Jones was keen to keep his heating bills to a minimum. One of his main problems is that he is often away from home and some of this absence is impromptu and unplanned.

    Dr Jones wanted to see just how well the HeatingSave system would work in his home, so he installed a system in December 2008. Connected to the House & Home version of the system are passive infra-red detectors or PIR’s. These sensors detect body heat and are used by HeatingSave as occupancy sensors and can spot when Dr Jones is at home and when he is not. “I wanted to see just how well the HeatingSave system would work in my flat” he explained to the HeatingSave reporter.

    He described how the HeatingSave system had made considerable savings off his heating bill and added, ”The PIR’s have made the greatest difference for me. Quite simply, HeatingSave automatically turns down the heating when I am not at home and turns it up on my return”. Dr Jones likes in general the automatic way in which HeatingSave House & Home works without him having to make any adjustments. “HeatingSave works well for me” concluded Dr Jones.

    Dr Jones

    London W14 9.

  8. HeatingSave cuts fuel bills in Hail Weston

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    Pamela and Ian Wilkie live in a Grade 2 listed building at Hail Weston, in Cambridgeshire, which is the oldest house in the village. Because the home is very old (dated from 1535) it has no insulation apart from the roof and no cavity walls. The only part of the four-bedroom four-reception room property with proper insulation is a new wing. Also due to its listed status the house loses heat very easily. The couple wanted a more efficient way to heat their home, and as they explained: “Because we can’t do anything to the house we wanted a system that didn’t require modifying the home. For example, we aren’t allowed double glazing as we can’t do anything to the windows.”

    They chose a HeatingSave House and Home system for their Rayburn boiler, which provides oil for water and central heating, because HeatingSave’s internal computer system works out the absolute latest time to switch on the boiler for the rooms to be warm for when you want them. For those with an oil-fired system like the Wilkies it predicts how much oil is left in the tank. The HeatingSave system was installed in September 2009. They both received training in its use, and Pamela said it was “very good and patient.”

    One feature of the Building Energy Management System they use is passive infra-red detectors (PIR’s) to control occupancy. When no-one is in the room the heating is switched off, but as soon as someone enters it comes on. Pamela commented: “They are very effective,” adding: “Obviously it’s saving us money. It’s good that we’re not heating the rooms if we don’t need to when we are not using them. You can use the PIR sensors for this.”

    There have been no problems with the hardware or software installation: plus since then, their controller has been upgraded. They have called the HeatingSave help desk, with Pamela telling the reporter: “The service has been good, and also the engineer has popped in regularly.” Asked on how HeatingSave could be improved, Pamela said it could be a bit more user-friendly for older people: “Maybe a more simple manual or version for the older generation who have not grown up with computers.”

    On what she liked most about the HeatingSave system, Pamela replied: “The fact it saves us money. For our home a heating system without HeatingSave is very extravagant and we hadn’t been aware of how much money could be saved as we are able to heat specific rooms. It’s doing its job very well.” And would she recommend HeatingSave to other companies? “Yes, we have done and we will continue to do so.” When invited to sum up HeatingSave in a few words, Pamela commented: “I think it’s a very good idea, very impressive.”


    Hail Weston

    St Neots


  9. HeatingSave reduces heating bills for large house in Eltisley

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    Mr Denman built a large modern house in Eltisley, Cambridgeshire some 10 years ago. A Rayburn range was installed to heat both the house and the hot water. Although Mr Denman used the latest central heating technology when the house was originally constructed, he was becoming concerned that with rising energy costs the system was not as efficient as it could be.

    Mr Denman had particularly noticed how the price of oil had increased significantly this year and decided it was about time that he did something about it, so he installed a HeatingSave House and Home system.

    After installing HeatingSave I noticed an immediate difference” he explained to the HeatingSave reporter. “The house is at a more even temperature and the feeling of ‘too hot’ or ‘too cold’ has just vanished. I know its saving me money!” he added.

    When asked what he liked most about HeatingSave, “Cutting the cost of my heating bills” was Mr Denman’s first response. He then said, “I’ve wanted something like HeatingSave for some time. It gives me the degree of control that I just can’t get with normal thermostats and time clocks, and puts me in charge”.

    Mr Denman showed the reporter his HeatingSave setup and explained how he used the existing cabling to connect the occupancy sensors to the HeatingSave controller. “The best part is that it’s automatic” he said “It works out the latest possible time to turn the boiler on 1st thing in the morning and automatically turns down the heating when we are not at home. It’s great!”.

    Mr Denman concluded HeatingSave is an attractively priced effective product. I would recommend it to any home or business”.

    Eltisley, Cambridgeshire